Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Soy Marinated Grilled Porkchops

This is one of my favorite as well as most Filipino's. Who can resist the tempting aroma of pork that is being grilled to perfection? I would say that it will not be me...hehehe...The mrinade to this pork consist of soy sauce, sugar, kalamansi(Philippine lemon or is it line?hmmm...), chopped garlic, and ginger. The sugar gives it a little bit of sweet flavor in contrast to the salty flavor from the soy sauce. All you need with this dish is piping hot rice with Papaya atchara...yummy...

I don't normally measure anything when I cookk FIlipino dishes. WHAT!?! hehehe. That's how I learned to cook at home. We don't usually measure the ingredients unless we're baking. You just go by feel and taste. With experience, you get used to it :) I did measure the ingredients on this one though just to be sure. I like mine on the sweeter side rather than salty so I used a little bit more sugar but it can be adjusted according to your taste.


Optional dipping sauce:
soy sauce
lemon juice
sliced siling labuyo (philippine chili pepper)

Combine ingredients and set aside.

Porkchop Marinade:
1 porkchop
2 Tbsp soy sauce
2 tsp sugar
3 cloves garlic, chopped
2 inch size ginger, sliced
salt and pepper, to taste
1 tsp lemon juice

1. Combine all ingredients for marinade in a bowl. Mix well to make sure that sugar has been dissolved.
2. Season with salt and pepper according to taste
3. Add pork and cover with sauce. Cover and place in the refridgerator to marinate for about 2 hours or more.

4. Turn over half during marination to marinate the other side.
5. When ready, grill until cooked.
6. Transfer to a serving dish and serve immediately. Serve with rice, atchara and a side of the dipping sauce.

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