Thursday, September 8, 2011

Baked Sinigang-flavored Porkchops

I was going through my pantry to find ingredients that I can use for my thawed porkchop and came across a package of sinigang mix. This mix is usually used for sinigang which is a sour Filipino soup made of tamarind, meat, and veggies. I usually crave this soup when I have colds as they are good in opening the sinuses. But that is not what I want to make today since I do not have the veggies that are needed for the soup. The sinigang mix triggered my memory of a porkchop recipe which used sinigang mix as sort of a rub but I cannot remember how it was made since I saw that from a Filipino cooking show about 4 or 5 years ago. I just decided to improvise and see what happens. I needed something to help the mix adhere to the porkchop so I used oil, sprinkled the mix all over the meat then bake it. The result is a very tasty, slightly sour dish which I really enjoyed. I served it along with an easy mango salsa. The sweetness from the mango was a good contrast to the sourness of the porkchop dish.


2 porkchop
2 tsp oil
1 1/2 Tbsp Sinigang Mix

1. Preheat oven to 350F
2.Rub oil all over the porkchop then sprinkle sinigang mix. Make sure that the porkchop is covered with the mix.

3. Place porkchop in a foil lined baking dish and bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until cooked and light golden brown in color.
4. Remove from the over and serve warm.


  1. sarappp!! soo glad to have found your blog. i miss homecook food from back home ;(

  2. Thanks for the comment and for stopping by
