Quince is a lesser known fall fruit that looks like a cross between a green apple and a pear...only uglier. It is goof for making jam, jelly, and marmalade but can also be used in baking and cooking. It can also be made into wine because of it acidic nature. It can be found and cultivated in almost all parts of the world particularly in the Middle East and South America. Unripe, it is hard and cannot be eaten raw but when allowed to ripen in the vine, it turns slightly yellow and soft which can be eaten raw. This is one fruit that I have only discovered recently when I saw them at the grocery store. I bought some and made it into a jam. I really liked the result and taste that I made it again and again. I like spread it on top of a lightly toasted bread and enjoy with my morning tea.

This recipe is a very small batch which yields barely a couple of jars (8 ounces) of jam but its okay because I can always make more before quince season is over. The only problem sometimes is finding quince as they are not always readily available , even when it is in season, at the supermarket and it can be a little pricey at times too. I used shortcut in making this jam by using the food processor to puree the chopped quince. Be warned though that, like apple and pears, the color can turn brown if you don't work quickly. Make sure that you keep it submerge chopped quince in water to prevent discoloration. I think next time, I will make a chunkier version by using just chopped quince instead of pureed.

2 Quince, seeded then chopped
1 1/2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tsp lemon zest
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup water
1. Heat sauce pan over medium heat and add water. Bring water to a boil
2. Wash and core quince then chop coarsely
3. Place in food processor along with lemon zest and puree then add to the boiling water along with lemon zest. Lower the heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes.
4. Add sugar and stir to dissolve.
5. Continue to simmer until it thickens to desired consistency.
6. Transfer to sterilized container and seal according to direction.