The Farmer's market, being an LA landmark is always crowded with tourists and can get pretty noisy around lunch time. The alleys and passageways are narrow and usually congested with foot traffic. Despite all that, I still like to go there because of Monsieur Marcel as well as La Surla Table and World Market. I try to go early in the morning though before the lunch and tourist crowds arrive since trying to find parking can be a huge pain in the butt.
As usual, my trip to the farmer's market isn't complete if I do not go to the usual stops. Today, I stopped at Monsieur Marcel and picked-up some cold cuts and cheese (Havarti with dill, french ham, and oven-roasted turkey breast). Although I can find these at the regular store, I prefer getting them from Marcel because the quality is better. I also stopped by at La Surla and World market but didn't find anything that I liked.
From the farmer's market, I made a quick stop at home to drop off the cold cuts and the made my way to Glendale where I met with my friend. We went to Glendale galleria and shopped a bit. Finally, I was able to buy the bamboo matcha scoop/spoon that I wanted. Hooray for that!!!
By the time I got home, I was starving again. A quick inventory for ingredients yielded a bag of mung beans, shrimps, a bag of fresh spinach, tomatoes, and onions - things I needed to make sauteed munggo beans. This dish is a childhood favorite which my mom used to cook for us. I think I learned making this dish while watching/observing her cook the dish.
This is a simple, no-frill dish which can be prepared easily. This is a dish which can probably be found in almost every places in the Philippines though there might be slight variation in the ingredients used or preparation. Some people add sinigang mix to make it sour. We usually use a different green vegetable but since it is not readily available here in the States, spinach is acceptable.
Cooking mung beans may take a long time so prepare the dish well in advance so that it will be ready when meal time comes. You boil the beans until it becomes soft, mushy, and liquid thickens. If the water has evaporated before the beans softens, you can add more. Also make sure that you stir it every few minutes as the bean could stick to the bottom of the pan and burn. Aside from the fact that burnt mung beans do not taste good, it is also hard to clean a pan with burnt mung beans.
1 cups of mung beans
1/2 lb shrimp (more if you prefer), trimmed and deveined but leave the shells on
2 cups fresh spinach
1 onion, sliced
1 tomato, sliced
salt and pepper according to taste
1 Place mung beans and water in a pan and simmer until soft and mushy. Set aside.
2. In another pan, add oil then sauteed onion and tomato until onion is translucent and fragrant
3. Add shrimp and lightly saute until it turns slightly orange.
4. add softened mung beans to the pot and cook until it boils and slightly thickens. NOTE: add more water as needed
5. When soup thickens slightly, add spinach and cook for a minute or two.
6. Season with salt and pepper then remove from heat.
7. Serve warm.
This looks absolutely delicious! :)